Do Your Beliefs Support Your Sales Mission?

Change your beliefs and win more business.  Your beliefs (or attitudes) cause you to behave in a certain way.  Your behaviors determine your results. Therefore, beliefs play an important part in how successful we will be in our selling career.

Are your beliefs helping or hurting your sales effectiveness?

Negative Beliefs Positive Beliefs
Everybody needs what I sell. Realistically, not everyone is a prospect for what I sell.


My features & benefits will differentiate me from my competition. The way I sell will differentiate me from my competitors.



Price is usually the driving factor behind the selection of a vendor. Price is rarely the top criteria for vendor selection; overall value is.


Product knowledge is the key to selling successfully. The ability to ask good questions and find the prospect’s pain is the key to selling successfully.


I’ve got to persuade my prospect to buy from me. My prospect needs to persuade me he has a problem and needs my help to fix it.


I’m happy with my current income. The only ceiling on my income is self-imposed.  I need to …



In today’s world of complex sales, prospects are looking for problem solvers, not product pushers.

These negative beliefs mentioned above will create problems if you are attempting to develop relationships based on trust.  (You’ll push too hard to make a sale and, by doing so, destroy trust between you and your prospective client.)

Problem solvers develop positive beliefs like those above which give them the foundation they need to function more effectively in a complex, relationship sale – a sale based on trust.

Self-Study Assignment:  Re-read the negative beliefs above and reflect on times when you might have felt that way, and what the consequences were.