Top Ten Ways to Raise Your Self-Esteem

Problem:  The best sales techniques in the world will not guarantee success in the selling profession without the proper attitude.  Unless you feel good about yourself, you’ll struggle to achieve your true potential.  You must feel like you’re a “10” if you’re going to perform like one.  And generally people don’t feel like a “10” most of the time.  Here are a few ways to start improving your confidence, self-esteem, and your results.

Analysis:  We are subjected to many negatives throughout our lives: missed quotas, reprimands, a bad golf game, argument with a loved one, etc.  All are role related.  And worse, we tend to internalize these negatives and let them affect the way we feel about ourselves.  Think of all the negatives you get in sales: people don’t return your calls,  they lie to you on a regular basis, and, in general, treat you like a low life.

Solution: We must understand that there’s a difference between what we do and who we are.  Our self-esteem must be separate from performance in our roles.  How we perform in our roles does not define us as a person.  So why beat yourself up if you have a bad day?

If you have a pet dog, you know that he’s happy to see you every evening when you get home.  He’s not concerned about how well you did in sales that day.  Fido always sees you as a “10” and is more than happy to demonstrate his affection for you.

Here are a few good ways to raise your self-esteem and raise the level of your performance in all of your roles as well.

  1. Associate with people who have high self-esteem; some of it will undoubtedly rub off on you (if you let it).
  2. Eliminate any negative influences in your life.
  3. Take time to dream about the successes you’d like to have.  Set specific goals and develop plans to help you achieve your dreams.
  4. Have faith that there is an abundance of everything that you need to be successful.
  5. Become a giver; generosity will come back to you in many ways.
  6. Read a good book (or listen to CDs) on self-development frequently.  The bookstores and libraries are full of them.
  7. Take the time to write down 100 successes you’ve had in your life.
  8. Re-write the negative beliefs you’ve developed with positive affirmations.
  9. Every day write down the good things that happened to you without regard to what you think the long-term repercussions might be.
  10. Start behaving like you’re a “10” now (in other words, fake it ‘til you make it).